My journey into shamanic practice
I came from a family steeped in Nature connection. My childhood was spent in nature and with the many animals both wild and domestic, that filled my daily experience. I must confess that being in the ‘System of Man’ was rather challenging. I found school particularly difficult, spending most of my time daydreaming. I was […]
The Importance of Shamanic Practice in our Daily Life
A daily practice is crucial for developing and maintaining Shamanic wisdom and connections. A daily practice should have the intention of connecting you to yourself, the Great Spirit and all of your relations. A beautiful way of developing a daily practice is to join in with what is know as The Great Conversation. I was […]
Outdoor play and the impact on children’s lives
Outdoor play is an essential aspect of helping to ensure the health and wellbeing of children on the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical aspects of their being. Being in Nature, exploring and experiencing life at different levels not only brings a sense of physical and mental wellbeing, it also fosters a deep connection to the […]
Returning to Nature
Waken Tanker is the Native American name for the Great Spirit in Manifestation. In Shamanic understanding, everything in creation has a spark of the Great Spirit within it, their forms vary widely, as do their earthly experiences and awareness of time. Everything in creation, as it contains a fragment of the Great Spirit within it, […]
Crystals in Shamanic Practice
Crystals are an important part of Shamanic Practice. However, often times Shamanic Practitioners do not choose their crystal helper by looking in a book and deciding which one(s) to ask for help (although this can be useful in some circumstances) but they will use their connectivity and intuition to discern which crystal wants to help […]
What is a Shamanic Drum Circle?
Indigenous cultures have been observing community drumming for thousands of years. Now people all over the world are taking up drumming in astonishing numbers. At a grass roots level, small communal drum circles are springing up. While some drum circles are content to jam and make a lot of rhythmic noise, others choose to explore […]
Shamanics and Creativity
Creativity in the general sense of the word is very much about artistic endeavours, crafts, cooking, writing, painting, drawing acting etc. Indeed, these activities generally bring forth a beauty from the internal world of the creator and offer their beauty to be shared with others. Expressing our artistic creativity is a pleasure for us to […]
A Shamanic Celebration of Summer Solstice
The word “solstice” comes from the latin words sol (sun) and sistere (stand still) because on June 21, the sun appears to stand still before it reverses direction and begins its decent back into the southern sky. The Summer Solstice is the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest day of […]
Six Air Purifying Houseplants
Plants and humans have lived in partnership since the beginning of human experience, not only in terms of food and medicine but as a fundamental part of our spiritual experience and developing consciousness. Shamanic cultures worldwide see everything around them as alive, aware, and related. From a shamanic perspective nature is a complex web of […]
Shamanic Practice And Feathers
Shamanic practice places great importance on shamanic tools and a shaman’s sacred implements may be of many different kinds. They many include plants, special stones, animal parts, drums, musical instruments, masks, costumes and feathers. Feathers may be used as tools to ease us in to an awakening of the whole self, used in prayer, or […]