Shamanic Quest Blog

Shamanic quest

Crystals in Shamanic Practice

Crystals are an important part of Shamanic Practice. However, often times Shamanic Practitioners do not choose their crystal helper by looking in a book and deciding which one(s) to ask for help (although this can be useful in some circumstances) but they will use their connectivity and intuition to discern which crystal wants to help them at any given time or for a particular need to be fulfilled.

Crystals are very useful helpers in our own personal work, on the physical, mental, emotional and Spirit aspects of our selves and also for us to help others with.

We can choose a Chrystal helper every morning to receive its positive attributes for the day ahead. We can do this by very simply using our left hand, allowing it to scan over our collection of Crystals and allowing the energy of the Chrystal to choose us by sensing the different sensations that are felt as our hand passes over them.Crystals are very useful helpers in our own personal work, on the physical, mental, emotional and Spirit aspects of our selves and also for us to help others with.

The sensations that may be felt can be heat, coolness, tingling etc. When you feel a crystal that seems to be drawing your hand towards it, take up that crystal in you left hand and ask it if it is your helper for the day. If it is, it will indicate to you in some way that it is your helper. If you do not get a positive affirmation from the crystal, set it to one side and repeat the process.

This process is also useful when you are choosing to purchase crystals or if you are choosing a crystal to help you work on behalf of another person.

shamanic crystals

If you have a small medicine pouch, you may choose to keep the Crystal in it during your travels, so that you can stay connected with it throughout the day. This can be a safer way to keep your crystal with you above keeping it in your pocket etc.

It can also be helpful to have items of jewellery made from crystals as they are both decorative and functional. I like to wear Turquoise for protection during my shamanic work.

In my Shamanic Practice I have two Black Tourmaline Wands that help me to re-ground after Shamanic Journeying.

I also have a large piece of Selenite that helps me generally with my Shamanic endeavours.

Clear Quartz points are an invaluable helper for the Shamanic Practitioner and they help in many ceremony’s.

However, any Crystal can be the most amazing helper if you just open yourself up to its knowledge and wisdom and allow it to teach you how it is going to be of service to you. This can be achieved by holding the Crystal in your left hand and completing a Shamanic Journey with the intention of connecting with the Crystal to discover how it is going to help you, or by studying the Crystal very closely and if you find a little hole in the Crystal, this can be a gateway in to it so that you may start your Shamanic Journey from that point to discover its attributes.

There are many more ways in which to utilise the power of crystals.

Shamanic Quest holds regular workshops and courses at The Clophill Centre, Bedfordshire. A full list of dates can be found on our website at or on our Facebook page here