Shamanic Healing Journey

Shamanic Quest
Shamanic quest

Embark on Your Shamanic Healing Journey: Wisdom and Transformation Await

Welcome to Melanie Tomsett’s Shamanic Quest, your gateway to the ancient world of Shamanic Healing in the heart of Bedfordshire. Here, we offer a unique blend of workshops, courses, and ceremonial practices designed to connect you with the transformative power of Shamanism. Drawing upon the revered teachings of Kenneth Meadows, Shamanic Quest serves as a beacon for those seeking to explore the depths of their spirituality and harness the healing practices of Northern Hemisphere Shamans. 

Whether you’re new to Shamanic principles or looking to deepen your existing practice, our programmes provide a comprehensive path to spiritual discovery and personal evolution. Join us at the Clophill Centre, a place of natural beauty and tranquillity, to embark on your Shamanic healing journey and unlock the mysteries of ancient wisdom.

Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Welcome to Shamanic Quest, where the ancient knowledge and practices of the Northern Hemisphere Shamans are amalgamated to form contemporary Shamanic Practice.

Based on the teachings of the world renowned author and teacher in shamanism Kenneth Meadows, Shamanic Quest aims to continue the work that Ken began by promoting, teaching and practicing the contemporary shamanism that is called Shamanics.

We hold a Monthly Drum Circle across the entire year and follow the Celtic Earth Wheel Festivals with evenings of celebration.

Shamanic Practitioner

For those who would like to develop and deepen their Shamanic understanding and skills further we have a program that begins with the Introductory Workshop, continuing with the one year Foundation Course. Graduation from this course is a pre-requisite for inclusion on to the following Practitioner Course, which includes the Runic Shaman Course and Clinic experience to further develop your shamanic skills.

The Runic Shaman Course is also available for those who have not attended the Practitioner Course but who are very well experienced in Shamanic practice and principles.

Watch this short film of students giving one-word testimonials on their experience of the one-year Shamanic Quest Foundation Course.


Shamanic Quest Workshops and Courses are held in the beautiful Clophill Centre, Bedfordshire. This is a fourteen acre site, with underground meditation chamber, sweat lodges, labyrinth and Yurt, in which the workshops are located.

Clophill Centre

Melanie Tomsett BSc – Shaman Healer

I began my shamanic training in 1991 with renowned shamanic practitioner and international author, Kenneth Meadows. I continued to work with Kenneth until a few weeks before his passing. Andrew Riley wrote:

“A fellow author and colleague (Leo Rutherford) described the aftermath of one particular ceremony where the author (Kenneth Meadows) was told by an otherworld ally that he would act as a lantern. This spurred him on to write the books, present the workshops and promote his view on shamanism. The books sold and sold and sold….The flame of the lantern was fanned and became a beacon. I just hope there is someone who can build on this for the next generation”

It is my aim to be that someone; and it is with Ken’s blessing that I continue to carry the Lantern.

“I attended a shamanic course with Mel for a while earlier in the year. Her knowledge is vast and has solid foundations, she teaches in a friendly calm and professional way. Mel helps you to feel confident and secure in your own learning whilst showing how to truly re connect with yourself and stay grounded. I learnt so much in the short time I spent with Mel and hope so much to have the chance to learn with her again. I would recommend her to anyone”